Siberian Wellness

Siberian Wellness has been developing, producing and selling products for health, beauty and sports since 1996. The Siberian Wellness business operates in 46 countries on three continents. The corporation is sure that socially responsible business is obliged to take care of the native land, to be guided not by momentary interests, but to think about future generations.

Within its first 6 years, «The World Around You» charitable foundation by the Siberian Wellness has collected and redirected more than 25 million rubles for the right cases. The Fund focuses on supporting scientific research, eco-projects, social and educational activities aimed at saving rare species of animals and birds, endemic plants in Siberia, as well as protecting the world pearl, Lake Baikal. The Fund has implemented more than 130 projects in Altai, Tyva, Buryatia, Eastern Kazakhstan and Mongolia. More than 10 specially protected natural areas are involved in the implementation of the «World around» projects, including Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve, the oldest one in Russia. It has been enjoying the Foundation’s support  since its inception.

The Lake Baikal Foundation for Environmental Applications and Research pursues charitable and research objectives aimed at preserving the Lake Baikal natural territory and promoting its sustainable development. Join us!

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