In the framework of «The Baikal Seal Year» project Lake Baikal Foundation launches the ecolesson dedicated to caring attitude to the unique animal – the Baikal seal. The project was supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation.
In May 2019 2500 schoolchildren from Irkutsk and the Republic of Buryatia participated in offline lessons on the Baikal seal with the materials worked out by the Foundation. In order to popularize further protection and studying this endemic species the Foundation created an environmental online lesson for the schoolchildren of 5-11 grades available in any region of the Russian Federation.
The aim of the lesson is to educate children, adolescents and adults on conservation of the Baikal seal population which needs to be protected, studied and treated carefully.
From the lesson the pupils will learn about the results of the first broad-scale expedition on the satellite tagging of the Baikal seal. The scientists from the Institute for Ecology and Evolution of RAS who participated in the expedition and tagged the seals will tell about that in details. The listeners of the lesson will get acquainted with the Baikal seal’s portrait in wild nature and go through challenging tasks. Beyond that, the lesson contains interesting information about why we should study and preserve the Baikal seal and how everyone can do it together with scientists and environmentalists.
The lesson is posted on the educational platform Stepik and is available in Russian language. It is necessary to sign up for the course «The Baikal Seal».
The first signed up schools will receive the sets of postcards for the students from Lake Baikal Foundation!
Lake Baikal Foundation gives thanks for support in creating the lesson to the experts of the Institute for Ecology and Evolution of RAS Dmitry Glazov and Maria Solovyeva; the team of the educational platform Stepik.