In the summer of 2024, the Baikal Lake Foundation began implementing a new project aimed at solving the problem of handling food waste and preventing bears from approaching tourists in the protected area.
We are pleased to announce that in the Zabaykalsky National Park, where the project is being implemented, informational boards have already been installed to remind tourists that proper handling of food waste is essential for the safety of both themselves and wild animals.
The information boards are located in popular areas of the national park within the recreational zone with picnic spots, where the issue of food waste management is most acute: the “Shovels” area, the “Church” area, the “Swings” area, the “Soft Karga” area, and the “Sorozhya” bay.

“The “Save the Bear!” project will help draw visitors’ attention to this issue, educate them on how to behave in the forest and handle food waste properly. The first stage of the project has already been completed: informational boards have been installed, explaining clearly how to avoid encounters with the taiga’s owner. Dear friends, when visiting forest areas, please be environmentally conscious and responsible tourists, so that your stay will leave only pleasant memories,” noted Nina Mikhaylova, head of the environmental education department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Zapovednoe Podlemorye”.
The project includes three main directions: creating and installing specialized waste accumulation pilot sites, an awareness campaign, and knowledge exchange with other protected areas in Russia on this issue. Work on each of these directions is currently in full swing, so stay tuned for updates!
Реализация проекта стала возможной благодаря Фонду президентских грантов и Фонду «Мир вокруг тебя» компании Siberian Wellness.
The project implementation became possible thanks to the Presidential Grants Foundation and the “World Around You” Foundation of Siberian Wellness company.