September 17 starts the 11th season of the reforestation campaign “Plant a tree – give Baikal life”, organized by the charitable foundation “Give life to the planet” and FSBI “Zapovednoe Pribaikalye”. The season will also include the International Reforestation Forum “Olkhon-2024”. Sharing the values of cooperation with local non-profit organizations, the Lake Baikal Foundation will support the event.

Forum participants will restore more than 9 hectares of forest
On Olkhon Island 3 sites have been prepared for reforestation with the area of 9.2 hectares. The International Friendship Alley will also be laid, in the creation of which representatives of different countries will take part: Russia, China, Mongolia, South Korea, Kazakhstan and Japan. For all seasons more than 140 thousand young trees have been planted, and this year the tradition continues.
Scientific and volunteer projects will be discussed at the conference
The Forum is a platform for solving various issues, where people from different cultures offer their ideas and discuss environmental trends from all over the world. The Forum will host a conference where projects in various “green” areas will be presented. This year, sharing experience is a key mission that will bring together representatives of national parks from different countries on Baikal.
The best reforestation project will receive support
The conference will also host a competition of reforestation projects. The works will be comprehensively evaluated according to various criteria, and the best ones will receive funds for implementation. The Lake Baikal Foundation will also support one of the winners of the contest and will allocate a grant for the project realization.
The Lake Baikal Foundation shares the mission of the International Reforestation Forum on Olkhon. This year the organization continues to scale its experience of forest planting within the framework of the climate project “Conservation of forests of the Baikal region”: a total of 20 hectares of forest will be planted by the Foundation in Khorinsky and Zaigrayevsky lesnichestvos in Buryatia in the areas affected by forest fires. Support for planting in the Irkutsk region as part of the 11th season of the reforestation campaign “Plant a Tree – Give Baikal Life” was made possible thanks to a donation from the Lake Baikal Foundation and the World Around You Foundation of Siberian Wellness.
In addition to reforestation, the Lake Baikal Foundation has repeatedly provided grant support to scientists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Zapovednoe Pribaikalye”: with the participation of the Foundation the projects on research of rare plants of Pribaikalye, restoration of the Olkhon vole population and others were carried out. Also in the Pribaikalsky National Park, the Foundation is implementing its initiative “National Parks without Garbage” aimed at creating a comprehensive infrastructure for the introduction of separate waste collection in specially protected natural areas.