The team of Lake Baikal Foundation have prepared a Guidance on the introduction of separate waste Collection (RSO) and eco-education for Russian national parks, which is availible for everyone for free. In this Guidance, we analyzed the Foundation’s three-year experience in implementing the «Trash Free National Parks» program and outlined it in the form of a step-by-step instruction that allows us to replicate the implementation of RSO in other national parks.
The Guidance for replicating the «Trash Free National Parks» program contains useful information and practical materials.
In it you will get answers to various questions: why is it important to analyze the morphology of waste beforehand? What are the likely risks in the implementation of the project and how to overcome them? How to attract volunteers and local residents to participate in the project? Why is it important to cover all stages of the introduction of separate waste collection in the media and in social networks?
You will learn important nuances that you should pay attention to when planning and implementing a project, what are the stages of implementing the separate waste collection in the national park, procurement criteria for the needs of your project, as well as the secrets of the success of the project and its evaluation.
You will find examples of the design of separate waste collectionpoints and information boards, links to examples of educational leaflets and the film «Responsible Tourism», as well as an example of the budget of a typical «Trash Free National Parks» project and links to relevant literature.
We hope that the materials we have collected will be useful to you, and together we will be able to preserve nature.
The guide for replicating the «Trash Free National Parks» project can be downloaded via the link.
If you have any questions of a practical nature or the administration of your protected area has decided to implement the project on its territory according to our Guidance, contact us by e-mail:
We draw attention to the mandatory mention of the author — Lake Baikal Foundation — if you copy the Guidance or its fragments.