The Baikal: Protecting and Preserving

The Baikal: Protecting and Preserving

January 2023 – present

What problem are we solving?

The project is aimed at protecting the unique ecosystems of the Barguzinsky Reserve, the first protected area in Russia with more than a century of history, and the Zabaikalsky National Park, which is managed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Zapovednoe Podlemorye” (Republic of Buryatia) and represents a natural treasure of Russia and a UNESCO natural heritage site. 

Today these territories face threats of anthropogenic and natural origin: fires, illegal logging, poaching – illegal catching of rare fish species, shooting of unique animals, including musk deer and Baikal seal. There are not enough human and technical resources to promptly and effectively respond to wrongdoings in protected areas, which causes ecological and economic damage to the natural territory. 

Nikolay Makoveyev, Deputy Director for Territory Protection and Environmental Safety of the Federal State Institution “Zapovednoe Podlemorye”, says:

State inspectors in our PAs need new modern equipment for patrolling the protected area. Procurement of new navigators, night vision devices and video recorders will help us react more quickly and effectively to legal infringements and prevent damage to the unique Baikal nature.


To reduce the amount of environmental and economic damage to protected areas under the jurisdiction of the Federal State Institution “Zapovednoe Podlemorye” by 40% of the 2021 figures by improving the efficiency of the institution’s protection department.


  • Strengthen the material and technical base of the employees of the department of territory protection and environmental safety of the Federal State Institution “Zapovednoe Podlemorye”;
  • Involve professional volunteer teams to optimize the labor costs of the employees of the Department of Territory and Environmental Safety;
  • To create conditions for sharing experiences and best practices among employees of Podlemorye Nature Reserve and partner protected areas.

Expected results: 

  • Labor and time costs of state inspectors are optimized. The workload of the inspectors during peak seasons was reduced by engaging volunteers to carry out environmental education, economic and conservation activities. Measurement of results is planned through surveys, informal interviews and keeping records of recycling hours for comparison with the indicators of previous years;
  • The competence of the conservation staff of the Podlemorye Wildlife Refuge has been improved through a series of training webinars. The results are planned to be measured through surveys;
  • Increased competence of protected area partner staff through training meetings held by Podlemorye staff based on the results of the field part of the project. Results are planned to be measured through surveys;
  • Visitors have gained quality ecological knowledge and are involved in responsible tourism and conservation of the protected area. Results measurement is planned through informal interviews.

The project is supported by the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Climate action