Anastasia Likhacheva

Dr. Anastasia Likhacheva works as a Director of Centre for Comprehensive European and International relations at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, Russia and also acts as a Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of World economy and International affairs of the HSE. 

Her key area of expertise includes Geo-economics with a particular focus on Sanctions, Eurasian integration and Russian foreign policy in Greater Eurasia. Her PhD thesis was dedicated to the role of fresh water deficit in modern international relations.

She regularly prepares policy briefs for senior Russian public authorities and has been a member of expert working groups of the Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East since 2014. She is an author of more than 50 academic papers, briefs and working papers published in Russia and abroad. 

Dr. Likhacheva also works as an Assistant Professor of the Department of International Relations of the HSE and teaches at the Double-degree program Economics and Politics in Asiaof the HSE and Kyung Hee University (Korea, Rep. of).

As a visiting fellow she worked at Harvard University (A.Y. 2012/2013) and Silk Road Institute at North-Western University in Xian, China (2018). Since 2016 she is also a head of Russian Organizing Committee of the Working Group for the Future of Russian-American relations– a joint project led by HSE and Harvard University since 2010.

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