

Representatives of the Lake Baikal Foundation took part in several events, during which they announced the key activities of the Foundation and expertise on the development of the Baikal natural area.


  • All-Russian Water Congress;
  • Model of the World Water Forum within the framework of the Foundation’s project «Youth Water Council»;
  • Meeting of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;
  • Meeting under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on pollution of Lake Baikal by sunken fishing nets;
  • Working meeting in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • Session on cooperation between business and NGOs in the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Session of the UN Information Center in Moscow for World Water Day.


  • COP 28 Climate Summit;
  • Forum «Strong Ideas for New Times» of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives;
  • Interregional Conference «Specially Protected Natural Areas. Legislation, development, exchange of experience»;
  • Meeting of the coordination group «Conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity» of the World Water Forum;
  • Forum «Eco Altai. Thread of Nature» Forum;
  • Meeting of the authors of the seventh edition of the Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-7) of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP);
  • Round table on the occasion of World Water Day at the UN Information Center in Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.







The Lake Baikal Foundation for Environmental Applications and Research pursues charitable and research objectives aimed at preserving the Lake Baikal natural territory and promoting its sustainable development. Join us!

Contact us via: +7 (963) 611 25 92