Liliana Proskuryakova


Leading Fellow at Laboratory of Research and Technologies, the Head of National Contact Center of International Scientists Mobility, senior lecturer at Department of educational programs of the Institute of Statistic Studies and Economic Data of HSE. 1999-2006 she worked in public organizations and political parties. 2006-2009 Liliana was the Head of democratic management Department of UNDP Office in Russia. Since 2009 she works at HSE. She has more than 20 publications on energetics, water resources, scientific-technical policies, public participation. She took part in more than 30 scientific projects for federal executive bodies including «Analytical procurement of implementation of governmental policies in sphere of education, scientific technologies and innovations», «Study of behavior patterns of innovation process subjects», «Developing of scientifically proved proposals on monitoring and prognosing scientific-technical progress in energetics», etc.

Liliana Proskuryakova is a prize winner of the project «Candidates pool – Professional team of the country» of the party «United Russia» (2008); she has first senior degree in taekwondo; 2003-2011 she was a member of executive board and counsellor in international non-governmental Foundation «Partnership for Transparency» ( 2001-2003 Liliana was a member of United Advisory Committee for interaction with the public in World Bank.

Liliana Proskuryakova graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University as a specialist in foreign relations (1999) and she did a post-graduate course at MGIMO University in Moscow, became Candidate of political science (2010).

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