Educational tourism as a tool for nature complex conservation under conditions of pyrogenic and anthropogenic load

Educational tourism as a tool for nature complex conservation under conditions of pyrogenic and anthropogenic load

February 2020 – December 2021

The natural fires are an integral part of taiga complexes.  However, the increasing anthropogenic influence and ignitions, along with the abnormal dry seasons lead to uncontrolled fires and complete destruction of fragile mountainous landscapes. Svyatoy Nos is the biggest peninsula of Baikal and is a unique geological formation on the northeast shore of the lake. 

Every year the number of tourists grows and the anthropogenic effect on the specially protected natural areas increases as well. Moreover, the high levels of fire activity were indicated. The ignitions have both the natural and anthropogenic origins. The popular ecological path «Challenge Trail» gave tourists an opportunity to travel freely around the peninsula, nevertheless, the absence of control and organized walking paths leads to the destruction of vegetation and to the creation of fire hazards. 

To solve this problem the Lake Baikal Foundation together with the scientists of «Zapovednoe Podlemorye» will try to reach the balance between the development of educational tourism and environmental protection, positively affecting the preservation of natural complexes and their demonstration to the responsible visitors. 

The research on the educational tourism will be realized as a part of the competition for young scientists «Baikal Initiative» under the leadership of Luzhkova Natalia, specialist of Federal State Institution «Zapovednoe Podlemorye».

Such applied researches, further usage of the results in management of specially protected natural areas and creation of convenient conditions for the visitors will grow effectiveness of natural complexes preservation. 

Following the results of the «Baikal Initiative» competition in 2020, it was decided to extend the project until December 2021 and provide it with grant support for this period. 


  • To develop a geoecological justification for educational tourism promotion in conditions of modern pyrogenic and anthropogenic pressure in the Central ecological zone of Lake Baikal, based on the example of the Svyatoy Nos peninsula. 


  • To analyze recreational and pyrogenic influence on landscape components in the places of existing paths, campsites and other tourist infrastructure;
  • to conduct complex geoecological studies on potential routes and attractive sites on the peninsula;  
  • to identify areas with optimal combination of resistant to anthropogenic influence landscapes and landscapes with low flammability;
  • tоinvestigate forest recovery processes on burnt sites and evaluate the possibilities to use these areas for the development of educational tourism;
  • to formulate possible options for the infrastructure-building of educational tourism on the peninsula, taking in account visitors’ needs, sustainability of landscape components and fire risks;  
  • to establish vegetation and wildlife monitoring plots on tourist sites, potential tourist sites and reference areas;
  • to make recommendations on biodiversity conservation and nature protection;
  • to conduct a GIS server seminar on utilization of the platform for common users on the basis of ARCGIS for the implementation of research results in the system of specially protected natural areas’ management;
  • to create and introduce a GIS platform of general use for monitoring and assessment of anthropogenic and pyrogenic impact.  

Sustainable Tourism