Partnership for Sustainable Development

Partnership for Sustainable Development

Global partnership and cooperation are an integral part of achieving all sustainable development goals. It needs to be strengthened by involving many stakeholders who mobilize and disseminate knowledge, technology and financial resources. It is important to encourage and encourage effective partnerships between the state, the private sector and civil society, drawing on the experience and strategies of using partners’ resources.

The Foundation works continuously to communicate with Russian and foreign national parks, nature reserves, foundations, associations and intergovernmental organizations; with business companies interested in supporting environmental initiatives; and with public authorities that influence the promotion of the sustainable development agenda in Russia. Out team takes part in UN programs, WEF (Global Shapers) programs, Open World programs. We also work on various partner expert materials.

We are open to cooperation on projects on rational water resources management, biodiversity conservation, sustainable tourism and other relevant topics of the global environmental agenda.

Goals by 2025:

  • to carry out effective cooperation with international organizations (UNEP, UNESCO, WEF) in the field of sustainable development;
  • to implement projects with a wide range of experts on water resources management, conservation of biological diversity, development of natural territories, and others.

How do we implement partnerships for sustainable development:

Our work