Baikal Initiative

Baikal Initiative

2017 – 2023

One of the most important activities of Lake Baikal Foundation is to support science and promote scientific knowledge. Scientists engaged in scientific research of the Baikal region faced acute challenges: underfunding and lack of interest from government and society.  In this context, the Foundation initiated a program «Baikal initiative» to support young scientists.


  • to identify and to support technological, applied and research projects aimed at the protection of the lake;
  • promotion of scientific knowledge about Baikal among the population.

Taking part in the competition, you help the Foundation to solve important problems:

  • to promote preservation and development of Baikal region and lake Baikal;
  • to create an assessment of environmental protection issues;
  • to support the establishment of high-tech centers in the region;
  • to advance ecological lifestyle in the Russian society.

Who can apply for the grant?

Young scientists aged to 35 years.


Lake Baikal Foundation will allocate 1 million rubles to support talented solutions in the following areas:

  • basic and applied research in the field of water resources conservation;
  • applied scientific research and scientific and technical activities in specially protected natural territories;
  • development of civil science.


The participants of the «Baikal initiative» contest will have to prove that their projects are really relevant and necessary according to public opinion: the financial assistance is provided to those projects which will be able to collect 20% of the project budget independently by crowdfunding, attract sponsors and other channels of public support. 80% of the successful projects’ budget will be covered by Lake Baikal Foundation’s grants.

Read more about the contest’s stages and the key criteria for project evaluation in the document «Competitive selection regulations».

Winners of the contest




Expert Council in 2020:

  • Darima Maksarova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Zoology and Ecology of the Banzarov Buryat State University, head of the Laboratory of Environmental Problems of Human Health;
  • Natalia Danilina, Director of the Ecocenter «Reserves»;
  • Igor Kalmykov, Director of the Altai State Reserve;
  • Maria Mikhaleva, Head of the public relations Department and Editorial and Publishing Group of the Russian Science Foundation;
  • Olga Solomina, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Geography Institute of the RAS. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Vasily Sutula, Director of the Baikal State Biosphere Reserve;
  • Maxim Timofeyev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Biology Institute of the ISU.


Competitive selection regulations

Application form

Applications assessment methodology

Partnership for Sustainable Development